Monday, September 2, 2013

5 - 6 am thoughts.... no sleep

I was just thinking…why and what I like about you? why don’t I stop thinking about you every single day? And then this is why I like the most about you. Just simply how you prioritize your passion and dreams OVER anything else that other people might not do- spending most of your time doing what you value most. You have already been successful. you have done it and you’re still keeping up.
I sound like I know you so well, but yeah, I can very tell from everything what i have known about you. You always have “excuses” that I thought it is something else but in fact, you are making time for yourself. It’s amazing how you’ve always been creating direction for your life that you find happiness and passion!
All in all I see that you giving up things like getting regular sleep, drinking, and going out with your friends..etc for doing the things you do that require sacrifice. 
Wouldn’t that be selfish of someone to only focus on what he cares about??? If I don’t understand.. it’s really tempting to blame you for neglecting others. it’s easy to think that if you spent time focusing on making yourself healthy/stronger or whatever to be better, you must not care about other’s lives because you’re spending way too much time working on yourself.
The truth is, to care about other people’s lives like your friends and family, it’s important to know that you need to be healthy, to be passionate, and to be happy with your life FIRST. Then there is time when you need to make healthy decisions. Because that’s how you are going to create great things. you can’t do that if you’re sick, always drinking and depressed… if you hate your life and hate what you do for work.
Some people might not understand and think that contributing to others means that you need to neglect yourself. That’s just “the butterfly effect.”

I learned the truth when you figure out your health, your work, your passion, you will AFFECT and infect everyone around you with your strength and positivity. People will actually look to you for lifting themselves up. And this is what HE has been affecting me lately, also i’m sure many others around him. I’m Not embarrassed to say that, it has been a motivation to do something that benefits myself daily.
The ones who want to pull you back down probably don’t need to be your friends anyway.
If you want to create great things with your life, if you want to create great things for others, you need to create greatness in YOURSELF first. you need to care, love your body and put work in yourself FIRST before you can do the same for other people.
You have your own values and, you would start saying “NO” to opportunities that pull you away from what is most important to you in your life. This is what i like about you… it’s why I’m always thinking about you when I’m expecting you to be here while you’re staying at home rest.
This is number one priority.
I swear, this is quite a meaningful post i ever write/ramble on about a guy. it’s almost 6 am now…. my late night/early morning problem…

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