Sunday, September 29, 2013

Irvine Spectrum Center! and palm trees

Some PALM TREES! something that I don’t see much in the bay area. :)
And this is my first time @ the Irvine Spectrum Center. So many stores….400+ roughly…didn’t get to go to that many. But it's definitely a giant outdoor shopping mall. Lining in the line for the bus back to the campus…. 
And the last ones are when I was on the bridge on my way to get my free uci sweatshirt… I thought the view up there looked super finnnne.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Mission Peak hike! #bayHype

Some Mission peak pics post exclusive for today before I Facebook and instagram it tomorw! haha.
Easier than I thought. If you’re runner, in shape, or at least physically active, Mission peak is a piece of cake! The continuous incline over 3 miles to the peak was  amazing. I carried almost 2 liters of bottle water and other stuff to add some more weights to my body too. What a nice workout!What a good workout though :) 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Zodiac sign

okay I’ve found learning about astrology signs is super interesting! Reading and interpreting all the characteristic of zodiac signs might become one of my new hobbies now. 
I come across in one of leo’s descriptions, and before, I’ve also read this anywhere that there’s a short description about the sign. I just now feel like to bring it up because I didn’t even realize that it’s kind of true until I think about myself, “the secret of the Leo is that they need to be needed.” This is interesting to know. Looking at myself, I can agree this to be true in leo’s deep inside! it seems like leo can pretend very well but deep inside actually yarn for friends’ appreciation for somethings. And they will be greatly happier. I think it’s true that I can do anything much happier and more comfortable if there is a following of people who agree with me, showing a sense of support for what i’m doing.
I mean, i’ve always liked to read my horoscope from time to time to check for guidelines when i’m in doubts. I’ve always thought it’s fun that not only understanding our own personality helps us to discover our purpose in life, helps to bring out our suppressed desires and wishes and but also we learn our strengths and weaknesses. NOT just only mine but also helps in knowing the better side my lovers and friends and the person who I just recently meet, and find out the reasons why they behave differently to a given situation. I found things interesting reading the signs of the people that I care about, I get to learn about their personality types and it helps me understand more about them. Helps me understand how to interact with certain signs and tells a lot when I’m curious of that one person, and it helps me to know what I should do around that person when I feel the need to be closer to that person.
You just get to know a little more about themselves in general before meeting them further more. Each sun sign tells information about the unique personality of an individual and has specific personality traits that tell who the person is like and the type of emotions they are likely to display! I think to figure a person out by understanding enough analysis of a sign is just entertaining at some times.

Late night workout

''Awww yeaaaa, I'm so drenched in my own sweat! Feeling wet, everyday. 
I took this before jumping into shower to get my sweat off. I've honestly preferred running outdoor and don't really like to run on treadmill but I procrastinated going out tonight so I didn't head to the gym until late around 9pm. 

I did cycling that burned about 300 cals, and a 3.2 easy run that burned about 400 cals. Not going to lie, I get so tired after running/jogging for a so damn long time... and the treadmill just sucks! I can't really stand running at the same time I'm staying in the same spot and nowhere for entire whole time... it just bores me big time on the treadmill. But I have to give in sometimes. It's all good, doing at least 2.5-3 mil every single day is better than nothing. Eventually I'll be able to run longer and further in no time!....eventually. 

Then I just went to do my own cardio, a bunch of ab exercises and crunches as always. Don't really focus on doing as much of crunches because doing crunches will only build muscle underneath the belly fat, but will not really burn that fat in lower abdominals directly. And for my lower abdomen I always try to include the knee-up overhead press with weights and leg raises. Doing planks every single day is a must... But to actually burn the fat in my lower stomach, I still best rely on cardio and running that raise my heart rate!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

picture collage @ Sac State!

First time making a collage with 6+ pictures random~! it was a REALLY FUNNY night @ Sac sate though!!!!! need to remember this. I will miss it :\

Friday, September 6, 2013

SUMMER 2013 Has just begun to use Blog spot!!

Some old posts from way earlier back in 2012 on here can be found, that is because I was... copying and pasting some of the old posts I posted on tumblr onto here!  I wish i had started this blog earlier like I've started blogging casual things on tumblr since 2009!! I was trying to transfer Tumblr posts to another blog. But then I really have to say how stupid is that....gave up. What is wrong with starting new?  So now cheers to the new beginning of a life in a new school environment, UCI as I begin this new spot here. (still have 3 more weeks until I move in actually) Summer is coming to an end. This is becoming more official now. And I now realize that i shall just start updating BlogSpot and Wordpress as I normally update my tumblr blog. And what I've been doing as a routine that I'm only proud of is probably working out HARD everyday. I might as well start keeping a journal of my exercises. Never a dull thing to do either! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

girly stuff :)

I was trying out a photo editing app, then here are two photos of my painted nails turned out.
I always like to wear this nail polish. Not very bright and simply plain. it’s low-key and pretty… It makes me feel more like a lady. if I wear this nail polish color on my nails around you.. It means that i really like you. :) 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Feels so bloated

This late-night cravings still won’t leave me alone! I srsly can’t help to think that I have a huge problem. it’s been like this all week, every night I’ve been trying to sleep, then the craves just occur for no reason. Especially for sweets like chocolates… not to mention.. these snacks are really ruining my body. Those extra calories… are hard to burn off during past midnight too. I’m just trying to get more fit and be healthy. I love my body but my face is looking chubby as hell lately. I’m still figuring out what’s wrong with my face. it feels so bloated the past few days I woke up in the morning and throughout the whole day. And that’s been annoying me actually. it’s not even cute. Even though I drink plenty of water, it still doesn’t reduce that puffiness and still doesn’t fill my stomach up.
The only reason I can think of why my face is appearing so bloated and puffed-up is drinking too much alcohol.. OR it’s because of going to sleep way too late like around 5 am.
that’s why i’m starting to sleep early and wake up early. STARTING TODAY. right now.
okay but I still don’t get how am I unable to avoid late-night craves? Yes it happens when I stop doing what i’m doing, when I stop using my phone, stop watching videos, when I just start to do nothing but relax. When past midnight, what happens is that I would get up and drink a half glass of chocolate milk then plenty of water and find something small to eat. That is not helping me reduce the appearance of my puffed-up face!
Is it a sign of not staying busy enough or what? And i’m surprised that sometimes my body doesn’t want to rest. I really have to push myself and force myself to wake up at 7 am instead of 10 AM then.

Monday, September 2, 2013

5 - 6 am thoughts.... no sleep

I was just thinking…why and what I like about you? why don’t I stop thinking about you every single day? And then this is why I like the most about you. Just simply how you prioritize your passion and dreams OVER anything else that other people might not do- spending most of your time doing what you value most. You have already been successful. you have done it and you’re still keeping up.
I sound like I know you so well, but yeah, I can very tell from everything what i have known about you. You always have “excuses” that I thought it is something else but in fact, you are making time for yourself. It’s amazing how you’ve always been creating direction for your life that you find happiness and passion!
All in all I see that you giving up things like getting regular sleep, drinking, and going out with your friends..etc for doing the things you do that require sacrifice. 
Wouldn’t that be selfish of someone to only focus on what he cares about??? If I don’t understand.. it’s really tempting to blame you for neglecting others. it’s easy to think that if you spent time focusing on making yourself healthy/stronger or whatever to be better, you must not care about other’s lives because you’re spending way too much time working on yourself.
The truth is, to care about other people’s lives like your friends and family, it’s important to know that you need to be healthy, to be passionate, and to be happy with your life FIRST. Then there is time when you need to make healthy decisions. Because that’s how you are going to create great things. you can’t do that if you’re sick, always drinking and depressed… if you hate your life and hate what you do for work.
Some people might not understand and think that contributing to others means that you need to neglect yourself. That’s just “the butterfly effect.”

I learned the truth when you figure out your health, your work, your passion, you will AFFECT and infect everyone around you with your strength and positivity. People will actually look to you for lifting themselves up. And this is what HE has been affecting me lately, also i’m sure many others around him. I’m Not embarrassed to say that, it has been a motivation to do something that benefits myself daily.
The ones who want to pull you back down probably don’t need to be your friends anyway.
If you want to create great things with your life, if you want to create great things for others, you need to create greatness in YOURSELF first. you need to care, love your body and put work in yourself FIRST before you can do the same for other people.
You have your own values and, you would start saying “NO” to opportunities that pull you away from what is most important to you in your life. This is what i like about you… it’s why I’m always thinking about you when I’m expecting you to be here while you’re staying at home rest.
This is number one priority.
I swear, this is quite a meaningful post i ever write/ramble on about a guy. it’s almost 6 am now…. my late night/early morning problem…

Sunday, September 1, 2013

I can't wait to...

I can’t wait to move on and move FOREWORD. it has been a long summer without you since last month. But it’s okay. it’s really fine, even though I felt a little disappointed for once or twice. Maybe the next ones i’ll get used to it.
For me, disappointment is one of the most uncomfortable feelings. It can ripple through to the core of who you are. Sometimes the feeling contains other emotions like sadness, sometimes hurt, annoyed and anger. But it’s actually way different than anger. In most cases, It really just feeling sad and let down, but at the same time it’s a realization of the reality or shit. (really just making it up) And that I stop and never expect more from whom i’m disappointed by.
“Don’t expect too much and you won’t be disappointed.” Now it’s time to realize, and think that it’s okay, don’t WISH too much and think it may come true to be perfect, it’s not always 100% - there is no need of having too much of emotional attached feeling to the person. We all know in the end, eventually, I will have a life i’ll need to concentrate on..
And one of the reasons that I’ve had enough, everyone is becoming so indifferent and so careless here. Even though I know that some things are bound to happen, i tend to not always willing to accept them. Each time, I have felt overwhelmed by my surroundings or maybe the persons. Each time, I just have to accept that I will feel these things again. I keep wanting to leave sooner than later. There’s only 3 weeks left until I leave home for school. You can do a lot in 3 weeks or you can do absolutely nothing memorable. it’s all up to you. it’s all up to you if you want to make more of the best memories to make every day counts or just let the days passe by with nothing too meaningful.
The key is be patient and practice acceptance.. and we may suffer less as what is happening. I can’t wait to get into a new life journey and grow.
I’m glad typing shit on here help me to get over a lot of feelings.
I’ve been following different sets of workout each day and that makes me feel good and accomplished. After a crazy weekend last week, two days of rest with no workout, I still managed to do Stretch training, yoga, cycling, thighs and legs and a 2mil run at night with my lazy friend all in one day on the third day. Felt super good but inner thighs and quads were very sore to walk up down stairs. Did 2.2 mil in 19 min yesterday for last night’s drinking. Turned out, I only had one shot that did nothing. Sort of unexpected because what was planned didn’t plan out. Now I’m about to go have a 30 min EZ run.