Monday, May 21, 2012

i'm dreading.....

I don’t know when I will go log on my school cubby and check this grade. I have a feeling that I don’t get the grade that I was expecting, and it will lower my GPA. When my friend said the grade is in our cubby, I was scared to go check, because I know if it’s not the grade that I expected, it will ruin my day. Not just a day though.. I would become really depressed and all go down hill for me.  I would realize, then, my GPA would be that low, how would I apply to my top choice of the college with that GPA. I would feel like giving up even though I know that I shouldn’t and i won’t.
Knowing that, although I have a chance and room in my class schedule to retake the same 3 unit class and get an A with the same teacher next semester, it would be adding one more class to 6 classes/16 units. That would be so much..? I feel like if I really have to, I will do it, and then get all the As I need.
I really don’t know what grade I have in this class. I just know that, right now i can’t  accept myself seeing the lower grade than I was expecting to get. He never responded to my last email, which I wrote about my grade is 2% away from the next grade I really need.. I didn’t only write that, yes I need that 2% of the grade I couldn’t earn, but I also wrote paragraphs of other things to express all my desires for the better. A whole bunch of good reasons for him to agree with me and consider the 2%.  Wishing that he will kindly help me to raise my GPA.  I hate that, it’s all because of the tardiness that didn’t award me extra points. It’s all those small things that can make a big difference. In this case, it’s all the small imperfections.
It makes me so upset about this class. I don’t understand, that it has to be so strict about the tardiness, even though I attended all the lectures and never missed anything. It shouldn’t matter THAT MUCH …  Right now, I just don’t have the courage to see what grade I have. He never emailed me back, so I really have no clue what he put in my grades report. He might enter the grade that I need, he might enter the grade that i don’t want to see…..The grade is just right there, I don’t know how I’m waiting longer will help this situation.. I just don’t really want to face it right now until I really have to . Eventually I’ll have to see the grade… 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The last names in Taiwan

Never really thought about the taiwanese last names.. but the taiwanese people i know, do have these specific last names! so when i see these last names, I usually would think they’re taiwanese too. haha.
Yang, Lin, Tsai, Chen, Fan, Tseng, Wang, Lai, Weng, Cai, Chu, Chiu,
Chang, Zhou, Sun, Liu, Huang, Luo, Chien, Chou, Sun, Hu, Hsieh… are all Taiwanese last names.
I wish my last name was “Lin.” hahahaha.

My last name, Lan, is already a rare name in Taiwan but it is a taiwanese last name though. Er,  i hate that my last name isn’t a common Taiwanese name that can obviously get recognized 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

wisdom teeth pulled

Since they put me to sleep and numbed my mouth before I was getting two of my wisdom teeth removed this morning, I haven’t been allowed to eat anything. And I have been having a difficult time drinking too. Their procedure in novato was so stupid that it’s causing me a lot of pain after the numbing is gone. Last time I pulled my upper wisdom teeth in petaluma, they didn’t put me into sleep and I was so fine after a couple hours and still went out and do specific intense things! This time after my extraction.. I went to work, and my mouth and my jar are seriously so BANGED! it was so terrible not being able to eat anything.. 7 hours later…i thought i will be able to finally eat my food without any pain while the numbing is slowly going away, but I start to feel the severe ,terrible pain in my mouth and my jar or my teeth when I try to bite down food. -___- i also feel a sore throat when I swallow anything or drink water! Ouch : ( although Im ok to eat icecream.. I wish I could eat and enjoy, the noodles my mom bought is so good . but apparently, i guess my mouth isnt fully recovered yet. its so hard to eat, and it’s making me annoyed. i guess i have to rest for the rest of my day.. i hope all the pain in my mouth and my cheeks will be gone by tomorrow.