Saturday, September 22, 2012

the most asians gals in 707!

the most asian people in towwwwwwwwwwn! 
i’m gona miss youu gall. It’s not like we aren’t going to see each other. We don’t hang out everyday but i feel like the more you drink the more we have gotten closer, aren’t that true? well also that is when you become more open to people and would start telling Me your secrets, and how you feel about the boys and shit lol.  hahaha you know I tell my close friends everything, and you’re my close friend. And fuck, I need to built up some alcohol tolerance, so i can catch up with you, seriously…  i will think about going to SoCal during Thanksgiving break to see how hardcore you become. But I really still need to think about that. there will be finals and it’s applying month!:/ so i can’t promise you that i will go see you for sure! will still love ya ;)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I need to stop.

Are we both trying to be unresponsive? Every time I see your face, it kills me. you make me think so much towards all the decisions and the words we had before. I have a feeling you feel the same when i tend to see where you are…. i need to stop. 
It kills me every second not talking to you when when i see you with all the friends around us, and when you’re everywhere I go.
Sometimes, a Hello means nothing but it’s a greeting and being polite. It comes up it would not start any conversation either. 
When i see your face, i don’t know how to act anymore, do I just go to you and even look into your eyes and laugh at everything you say and interact with you or do I just pretend that we aren’t even friends. I hate this, i hate that we aren’t like friends, we try to avoid the chances seeing what each other’s doing ?
How i wish that we can be back to normal like before in March, the kind of friends that we interact with each other so much around the people.
Can we just end this and start all over…  
i think if i have a chance in the future which i know i will have, i will make this end and start all over