Thursday, August 23, 2012

My GPA.....

My GPA ended up being still low after this summer. 
I actually worked hard and did raise my GPA a little bit over the summer.. but my GPA still didn’t get higher enough to become a truly competitive applicant, for Berkeley.
i don’t want to say anymore about what i should/could have done last Fall/ Spring semester… Especially the first year/ last FALL semester, i only had three classes and didn’t even get all As. I made many mistakes and took one class I wasn’t capable of.
Realistically speaking, i barely have a chance for Berkeley right now. I would say below 20% but…. there’s always a little chance that i’d never know what would happen if i try applying.  Since i can’t apply to tag for Davis, I’m going to tag UCSB. I will need at least 3.2 by the end of the fall term to be approved, then i’ll be only automatically accepted to SB.
The most i can do right now is just get As in all SIX of my classes this semester. I can only get ONE B and ALL As to maintain the GPA for Berkeley, Davis and TAG for SB. 
The worst can happen is not being accepted to Berkeley.. if i really don’t want to go to a CSU then i might have to stay at the CC for a third year. As much as I really really don’t want to stay for an extra year, that’s the WOrst option/choice could happen to me. Plus, my major is not even that difficult. If I stay, then i might as well change to a harder major like economics or international relations.
i know it’s nearly impossible to get accepted with my current GPA, a 3.0. but there is no harm applying it, and i’ll be trying hard to raise that GPA by the end of this fall when the they will review my updated GPA.
Right now I just feel like i can do anything to get to where I want to be. i’m taking 6 classes this fall, including an one unit class. Y’all might think that it’s dumb to take so many classes at once and expect to get all As. But i”m pretty determined to do that. I’m aiming for all As. i can’t guarantee to get the A in Economy though. I’m definitely going to be spending most of time in that class and putting in a significant amount of time start whipping out all A’s. studying my butt off, for sure

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

It's teaway LOVE!!!!

0_0 I need to cut my bangs tomorrow! they’re so long..-.-!!! #justdoit.