Thursday, May 30, 2013

PDA? control your hormones

One of my friends recently just met and got closer to a guy through me and my friends. In the beginning, it was just very cute to know and see that they are currently seeing each other. I have also been really happy for her that she found this person that she likes. And glad that the person happens to be someone I’ve known from other guy friends. I also approve this guy for her so she does not need to worry about if he is serious or not.
Okay but I just want to pour something out to say yeah couples are cute, but i found you guys can be way too much. When your friends are present, PDA is super awkward and NOT attractive as you perceive to be. When couples being all clingy in public and kissing and touching each other, it is completely annoying to me when we are going out and supposed to be doing something else. Go to a public restaurant and sit on the same side of the booth, then continuously play with each other and all the clingy shit. It is fucking weird. I mean, I don’t mean that PDA is bad but when friends are around and when we are supposed to be doing something else?? GUYS, please do control yourself..and respect the people who are surrounding you guys. We ain’t at a club, concert or a party.
Sometimes it is just like, I get it and please stop while i’m present. I also get that you guys probably don’t even have many opportunity to do all these clingy stuff unless you guys are hanging out outside of the houses, but like always, constantly and nonstop showing PDA in front of friends everywhere you go? That is just annoying.  
Next time when I am present hanging out and going out with you guys, I will remind myself to tell you stop showing PDA in front of me. If i was be doing something like PDA, I don’t have to care for what everyone thinks in public, obviously, but sincerely when i’m around with group of friends, I make sure when is appropriate when it is not. This depends on what kind of public settings i’m in as well. Nobody would want to see PDA in person every second. 
I just happen to have these thoughts because it absolutely annoys me when we were supposed to be doing something together, and the couple just started macking on each other. It gets super awkward. Like literally. Control your hormones do it in private or in the public places, when we are NOT going somewhere together as groups.

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