Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Moderately ashamed of myself

But i'll get everything together in the end.

no really.. my final exams next Monday & Tuesday. I want to do well.
The original goal of meeting that 3.5 GPA in the beginning of the quarter probably is not going to happen in the end of this quarter. I have been getting Cs in my papers. Forget about wanting to be a part of the honor's society ... what a laugh. Academically, I have always been above average in overall. I'm seriously not that of a top or best student, and I don't strive to be that either. 
In my media studies class, I get decent scores like 96-100% in my quizzes on the bright side, but i've missed two of them out of 6. And i'm still waiting to see my grade for the last paper analysis in the class.

And I have been slacking off terribly when i'm supposed to follow every class' reading in history. I just naturally end up searching for things that aren't related to the subject.. the worst that can happen to me is that I would be staring at some pictures for hours.  By the time I've spent enough time on the "not important" things, it's already time to sleep. So i would make a cup of coffee, after sips of it, I would lay down with my phone and comfortably get knocked out without even noticing. Waking up at 6 am, think that I am intelligent enough to just power through the rest of the essays before class in a few hours. Then I would be asking my instructors for extensions to turn in them research papers late. Thankful that it's usually accepted with the excuse I come up with.

Yesterday I went printing the lecture outline notes for this class for the first time when most of the people have already been doing that since week 2. That should be helpful to get things done and study now we're in week 10. I haven't finished researching rap music and the slang language, it gets tedious that I actually have to find an linguistic expert and some international students to interview for journalism final project that I'm writing a literary article.

 I think i'm going to get all Bs. Maybe one A- if I Ace the final exam. I'm still learning to be responsible.
This week should be the death of me, probably no gym time so no cooking for me. Now onto everything else I am trying to get done. Time to stay in, read PDFs, catch up on reading and lectures that I have not been paying attention to, and write the baby version of the paper I actually want to write.

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