Monday, November 11, 2013

She cares/worries too much about me sometimes.
Last Friday, I got like over 6 missed calls from my roomate while she was at one of my friends’ place, and I was supposed to be there. I was just drinking in our own place and hanging out with one of my guy friends… and I know she was kind of worried that something might have gone wrong between me and my friend! I guess I shouldn’t have told her that how awkward I felt, or she wouldn’t keep thinking about me that night. But i knew what I was doing, nothing bad happened at all. I also kept getting texts that asking me if I was okay….. It’s really funny how we all over think something and actually imagine that something bad might happen when everything is just fine. It really can ruin a good time..
I just agree that my friend is really assertive but maybe the alcohol also cause some people to be over- reacting and twisting things around in their mind. I feel pretty awful to let my friends worry about me. But seriously, i’m an adult and that night, I was pretty cleared that I just wanted to chill with my friend for a bit. Apparently, I’ve already known my friend; he wasn’t a stranger that I just met. They really shouldn’t have worried about it… or even ruined a good time.

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