Friday, June 29, 2012

Giving a speech on education

actually, i feel like giving Obama’s speech on education, and having a little bit of my background in the introduction was really fun today ! I never thought that I would speak like that to a class and have such an inspiring tone/voice lol :P. 
but, never sleep for only an hour again… this morning, I have to admit, my brain wasn’t functioning well like it’s supposed to be.. although i had so much Coffee, there was time when I wanted to just lay down, and I felt so sickly dizzy and like I was about to pass out on my desk during english>_<  And before I was walking to my speech class, my hands were shaking so bad when I was just printing papers out at the library. I couldn’t concentrate. then I went to get a bottle of vitamin water and a little bit of cereal bar before my class, i thought that would help me feel a little bit better  !!
man, i could have done a better job speaking though .. I messed up some words pronunciation because of nervousness  i usually get lol. and didn’t rehears the speech multiple times like I was supposed to :/ it would have sounded like a perfect speech if I didn’t repeat the words I messed up.
but I was happy when people said how they liked it :D !!!
And gladly, English teacher allowed us to turn in journals on Monday instead of today !! because I haven’t finished the reading..yet.. now I have some time to do that over the weekend!

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